Tuesday, June 23, 2009


@@@@My first oil painting "Night Scene."@@@@


Earlier today i was looking back on some of my previous goals from when i was younger...(Not that I'm actually very old yet lol,) but i started thinking have i actually accomplished what i had set out to do....and if not how exactly have my goals changed over the years. When i was younger i always loved to draw and paint... i still do lol, and i thought how cool would it be if someday i was able to become a famous artist. So i practiced as hard as i could, drawing whenever i had the time and eventually taking up oil painting, after some much needed practice i finished my first landscape oil painting when i was 10. It was called Night Scene. It's a painting of a night time winter landscape. It turned out better then i had expected it too. I soon finished more paintings....This eventually lead too some attention i was put in a few newspaper's in MT, TX and FL. as well as a two news interviews on tv. It was fun for awhile but i tend to be more of privet person, i don't really like a lot of attention, so i decided to stop painting for a while i still paint now and then but not as often as i use too, now i mostly just draw.

So in one respect you could say that goal was a success.

It was a success because after all that hard work i managed to achieve at least to a certain extent a small amount of fame all be it only localy but never the less it was still kind of fun......and even though the things we dream of as children tend to change as we grow older we must always do our best to make our goals a reality!

I now have a hole new set of goals, and hopefully i can accomplish them as well.

I think that no matter what your dreams or goals are in life you should always try your best to accomplish them, nothing in life is worth having in less you earn it, and you only have your self to blame if you should happen to fail. However some people tend set there aspirations a bit to high and in that respect they are bound to fail.

You need to find a good balance between what you hope to accomplish and what your current skill level is then work your way up, Do that and you can do anything.

Thursday, June 4, 2009



Hard to believe its summer time already.

It fells as if this year is going by way too fast.

Normally summer vacation should be a time to have some fun with your family and friends, Go on a trip or just hang out....whatever works for you. lol.

Unfortunately this summer marks a turning point for our country's national parks.

Because of recent changes in the law it is now legal to carry loaded gun's in the parks....in my opinion this is a very foolish thing to allow sure they say there are measures in place to prevent accidents. but there is all way room for errors in even the most well thought out plans.

The only thing this new law has accomplished is putting innocent tourists and locals in danger, because some gun toting fool fills its necessary to pack a gun in a national park....pathetic

This foolish law also makes it easier for poachers to start illegally hunting animals in protected areas.
poaching has been going on for a long time anyway but with this new law passed, It's just opening the gate to an even bigger problem.

On top of all that we still have a hand full of low life extremists like Idaho Governor C.L Butch Otter, Idaho's Ant-Wolf Coalitions Ron Gillette and Alaska's Governor Sara Palin who would like nothing more then to see wolves dead. and unfortunately if they get there way it will mean certain death for dozens if not hundreds of wolves in the Yellowstone area and the greater Northern Rocky Mountains region..... not even wolf pups will be speared in the coming slaughter.

Palin an avid enthusiast of aerial hunting....a practice that has been illegal since 1972, not to mention a sickening and barbaric sport... and i use that term loosely. (Since hunting in it self is not actually a sport per say but rather just the slaughter of unsuspecting animals.) Aerial hunting begins when one or more of the hunter's board a small plain and circle the area well the rest of them go into the woods and scare/chase the frightened animals out into the open, at which point the hunters in the plain "being the avid sportsmen that they are" begin shooting at the terrified animals usually hitting them in the back or gut and then proceed onward to kill even more innocent animals well leaving the already injured one's to suffer a slow and painful death. At one point Palin was even offering a bounty of $100 dollars for the hind leg of a wolf as prof of its death. Within a few days of legalising this cruel sport at least 66 wolves were killed.

Now the Alaskan Governor is taking things even further by approving the use of snares traps and lethal poisonous gas's in an attempt to kill even more wolves not just one or two but an entire pack pup's and all.

Help tell the Governor and her dimwitted followers that enough is enough.

go to the site below and "Sign this petition." to help try and put an end to this stupidity.


Thanks for reading this and please tell your friends and family's to sign as well.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Save the Tongass National Forest.

The Tongass National Forest.

For decades now the logging industry has been doing untold ecological damage to the environment by over logging and clear cutting entire forests.

Now the Tongass Nation Forest our nations largest national forest and one of the oldest large growth forests in the world is coming under attack again by the logging industry one company imperticular the Sealaska Native Corporation. This company is going directly to congress in an underhanded attempt to transfer even more public land to private control in order to clear cut the forest and further there own greed.

Not only dose this undermine the efforts of the local conservation groups but if the logging company gets there way they will destroy not only a large portion of this pristine forest but they will also be responsible for the devastation of the homes and habitats to hundreds of spices of animals.

The Tongass is an amazing place to visit with large camping areas, caves lakes, glaciers, hiking areas, and spectacular views.

We can't afford to lose even more of our valuable public land to the greed of large cooperation's

Sign this petition and tell congress not to allow even more environmental devastation to our public lands and national parks.


Thanks for reading this post and please tell your friends and family to sign as well.