Robot's in Italy.......
Here is a real life Wall-E on the streets of Italy,.......Well kind of.
This robot is bigger and not quite as agile as it's movie counterpart.
But unlike Wall-E, This robot is real and may be traveling down a street in your neighbourhood someday soon,......Maybe.
The robot is called a DustBot, and it's job is to collect trash and sort through the garbage and separate the organic, recyclables, and waste.
It also has an on board sensor that measures air pollution, sulfur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen oxide....etc.
It can be called to a location with a cell phone and go door to door. to collect trash.
DustBot is electric powered and energy efficient.
It's part of a 3.9 million dollar research program and if successful, could end up saveing thousands of dollars in revenue and hundreds of gallons of gasoline annually.
At the moment its reaction time is too slow for it to operate in a large traffic area, but hopefully in a few years they will have all the bugs worked out.
and these robots will be put to work.
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