Saturday, October 24, 2009

War or Peace??............

War or Peace?????

Regardless of the reasons or how you choose to justify it, war is wrong, violence only leads to more violence..

Human history is filled with conflict, one fight end's and another begins, often times as the end result of sheer greed or a lust for power......

America has been engaged in a costly war for the better part of a decade now,... costly both in human life and national funds.

Our last president was a self centered, egotistical, ass, dead set on going to war, even making preparation's for the invasion months in advance, before seeking a U,N resolution! He falsely believed he had the absolute authority to do whatever he wanted..... regardless of the facts!!!!

Now U.S. Gen. Stanley McChrystal is calling for a large increase in U.S. troops fighting in Afghanistan an additional 40,000 or possible 80,00 more troops on the ground...........

Currently it is estimated that there will be at least 104,000 U.S and NATO troops in Afghanistan by the end of this year and at least two thirds will be American.

With thousands of American and allied troops already injured or dead, and thousands if not tens of thousand's of innocent Iraq and Afghanistan civilians needlessly killed, wouldn't it be far better to start pulling out troops instead of increasing there number's????

After nearly a decade of senseless death, It's time to put an end to Bush's war and bring our troops home!!

In a few short week's President Obama will announce his decision on General McChrystal's war strategy, and whether or not there will be any significant escalation of our troops in Afghanistan.

But now you can have a say in the President's final decision by telling the house representative's to support Rep. Lee's bill HR 3699 witch prohibits the increase in U.S, troops,.....and Rep. McGovern's bill HR 2404 witch calls for a long awaited military exit strategy from Afghanistan.

Too get in touch with your representative call the switchboard at 202-225-3121 and you will be transferred to your rep or senator's office.

For more info on this matter including a complete list of Rep's. and senator's,......and to help put an end to this war check out this site.

Through violence, you may "solve" one problem, but you sow the seeds for another.
The Dalai Lama.

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